Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wow, twice in one day!...ok so it's technically two days, but it's 3:45am and I have yet to go to sleep. Yup, you guessed it, I'm up baking. I'm slaving away in the kitchen trying to finish my Christmas baking in full swoop...fingers crossed, but I am ready to hit my head against my soft, feather pillow...ahhh. I feel much more accomplished, despite the time day. All my shopping is finished, all my baking is started, now just to finish baking and finish making a couple gifts....then wrapping! I'm really excited to share with you all the goodies I'm in the process of baking...if I'm counting right, I have 6 (that's right SIX) different goodies...and I quadrupled one of the really I have 9 (NINE!!!!) different things!! Stay tuned, I will be able to share them all on December 25th!

It's beginning to feel a lot more like Christmas: I'm finally at my relaxed holiday stage, I finally gave into listening to Christmas songs on the radio, I got my first Christmas card (that's sad) and I got to go see Avery's Christmas concert at school today. I think watching the little Kindergardeners sing all the traditional Christmas songs (like Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer) helped remind me what Christmas is all about. It's not about how expensive your gift is or how many presents are under the tree, but rather about the appreciating the little things in life. I'm so thankful for my family, and all their love and support. All I can hope for as we approach 2010 is a safe, happy, and healthy year!

I wish everyone the best of luck in their last minute Christmas doings! Merry Christmas to everyone...hopefully Santa is good to you =)

1 comment:

  1. I know this is a bit late but those whoopies were pretty great!! Thanks for sharing and I hope the lack of posts represents a lot of rest and relaxation after the holidays!
    Happy baking!
