Where to begin? Well let's just say it all started with this crazy idea I would bake for a couple of my friends...which somewhere along the way turned into baking bags filled with goodies for 14 families! There were 'Maple Pecan Buttons (a.k.a. Russian Teacakes)', 'Soft Sugar Cookies with
Buttercream Frosting', 'Chocolate Mint Cookies dipped in White Chocolate topped with Crushed Candy Cane', and last but certainly not least 'Chocolate
Whoopie Pies filled with Peppermint Filling'. About halfway through all my baking, I stopped and thought to myself "I can't wait for the day I can do this EVERYDAY!".

I'm in LOVE with how these bags turned out...there will definitely be more in the future

And finally...Santa came!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their holiday season...I know we sure have! May you all have a safe and happy end of the year...bring on 2011!